
1.我只是想有一个人明白我 即使我什么都没说

I just want someone to understand me even if I don't say anything.

2.有的路注定没有机会再走 有的人注定不可能再爱

Some roads are doomed not to have a chance to go again, others are doomed not to love again.

3.很心酸吧 曾经那么喜欢的人 却再也无法拥有了

It's sad that people who used to like it so much can't have it anymore.

4.最遗憾的莫过于在最好的年纪 遇到了等不起的人

The most regrettable thing is meeting someone who can't wait at the best age.

5.喜欢一个人没有错 错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人

There is no mistake in liking a person, but the mistake is liking a person who doesn't like himself.

6.明知道最卑微的不过感情 却还争取着不可能里的可能

Knowing the humblest feelings, but still striving for the impossible possibility.

7.念旧的人总是最容易受伤 喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙

People who are nostalgic are always the most vulnerable, They like to wait for the rest of their lives.

8.一个自以为刻骨铭心的回忆 别人也许早已经忘记了

A person who thinks that his memories are unforgettable may have been forgotten by others.




未经允许不得转载:itotii » 适合深夜看的句子:遗憾万千,各有不同;一生很短,很难圆满


