

I always feel that time is not enough, but I don't know where my time went. Day by day, and I have always been good and not bad.


Find the right person, grow old romantically all one's life, find the wrong person, talk about sword all one's life.


When everyone is doing something for others, even if he is willing and silent again, there will always be a glimmer of hope in his heart. I hope that someday the other party can see, I can not avoid vulgarity.


All one's life, in fact, is to choose the right people around. The smoke is up. I'll wait for you at the door. When the sun sets, I'll wait for you by the hillside. The leaves are yellow. I'll wait for you under the tree. The moon is bent. I'm waiting for you in the fifteenth year. The rain is coming. I'll wait for you under the umbrella. The running water is frozen. I'll wait for you by the river. Life is tired, I am waiting for you in heaven. We're old. I'll wait for you in the next life.


Sometimes it sucks being strong.Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again.


I was young and frivolous, reckless to death, but because I met you, suddenly began to yearn for a long life!



You're gone. I wish you happiness.

Like a burglar who stole all my money and left a message saying, Congratulations on making a fortune.

如果你连工作挣钱都要别人开导你,都要人盯着,看着,哄着,鼓励着,劝你还是别干了,那你就应该穷! 这是不是鸡汤,这是现实。

If you even want others to teach you how to earn money from your work, and you want people to stare, watch, coax, encourage and persuade you not to do it, you should be poor! Is this chicken soup? It's a reality.


The girl you will marry in the future must be so magnificent. She can sit in the dining room with you and have Ramen with you on the street. She talks to you around the fireplace till dawn, and travels around with your backpack. She can play Xiao Qingxin extraordinary, but also can carry out the heavy taste to the end. She can be delicate, and she can play with vulgarity. You cook tea and earn money to support your family. River and lake happy, life addiction, but that's all.

未经允许不得转载:itotii » 午安说说190227:找对了人,一辈子浪漫变老


