

1.掏心掏肺对一个人 要么得到一生的知己 要么换来一生的教训

Put your heart and soul into one's heart and soul for a lifetime's confidant or a lifetime's lesson.

2.你所有强加给我的都说为我好 却从不问我需不需要 快不快乐

Everything you impose on me says it's good for me,but never asks me if I need to be happy or unhappy.

3.成熟的标志不是会说大道理 而是你开始去理解身边的小事情

The sign of maturity is not that you speak big sense,but that you begin to understand the little things around you.

4.你能无底线地原谅谁 谁就能无底线地伤害你

You can forgive whoever can hurt you without a bottom line.

5.坚强的内心 往往会被一句简单的安慰打败

A strong heart is often defeated by a simple comfort.

6.当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候 就是你开始得到的时候

When you have nothing to lose, it's when you start to get it.

7.好脾气从来不留给得寸进尺的人 善良也是

Good temper is never left to the good-hearted.

8.只要自己变优秀了 其他的事情才会跟着好起来

As long as you excel in other things,you will follow suit.



未经允许不得转载:itotii » 适合发朋友圈的精辟句:你去问问你的佛,能渡苦厄何不渡我


